养老院零点后,你不知道的故事 |
添加时间:2018/1/9 17:00:18 浏览次数: |
在 大部分人的世界里,零点以后,有的早已伴着美梦沉沉入睡;有的还拿着手机看着视频或者聊着天。 In most people's world, after the zero, some have fallen asleep with dreams, some with their mobile phones to watch video or talk to the sky. 在这本该一切归于沉寂的时间点,很多地方却都不平静。就像零点以后的医院急诊室,仍旧不断进来重伤的病人,零点以后的派出所,依旧会有人火急火燎上门报案。 Many places are not calm in this time of silence. Like zero after the hospital emergency room, still continue in injured patients, zero after the police station, there will still be people very worried to report. 而养老院这样一个地方,印象里会有一个安静温馨的夜,然而事实并不是这样。 In a place like a nursing home, there will be a quiet and warm night, but this is not the case. 在这个陪伴老人暮年的地方,护工不仅是老人生活的打理者、身体健康的守护者,还是老人"最贴心的棉袄"。她们对照顾老人的"苦差事"报以热情和耐心,用爱温暖老人的晚年生活,在这里,护工拥有辛苦而又心甘情愿的夜晚。 In this old place to accompany the elderly, nursing is not only the life of the elderly care, health guardian, or the old man "the most intimate jacket". They care for the elderly "drudgery" with enthusiasm and patience, with love and warmth of old people's life, where workers have hard and most willing to night. 哪来的好觉 Where is the good sense 当老人相继入睡,夜静的可怕,时钟滴滴答答进入了零点。养老院的老人多数都是已入暮年、年迈多病的群体,晚上睡觉不能再像正常人一样随心所欲,老人在晚上要喝水、上厕所,有的甚至晚上发病。 When the elderly have night sleep, the terrible quiet clock tick to zero. The majority of nursing homes for the elderly are in the old, old and sick groups, sleep at night can not be like a normal person at the old to drink water, the toilet at night, some even at the onset. 护工们为了能及时发现老人的问题,晚上都会和衣而睡,并且定时巡视房间。 Nurses in order to discover the problems of the elderly, every night and clothes and sleep, regular inspection room. 在养老院工作,每天都要提高警惕,即便睡觉也提着心,因为在她们眼里,老人不仅仅是工作主要要素,更把老人当成了自己的亲人来看待。晚上不间断的巡视和事故处理,不知不觉已迎来第二天的太阳,便又开始打水、吃饭。 In nursing homes, we should be alert every day, even if we sleep, because in their eyes, the elderly are not only the main elements of work, but also the elderly as their relatives. Uninterrupted tour and accident treatment at night, unwittingly ushered in the second days of the sun, then began to play, and eat. 员工数量多点的,可以换班休息,而一些本来就缺人的机构,员工就又投入白天的忙碌工作中。 The number of employees more, can relieve the rest, and some already missing people in the organization, staff into the busy work day. 所以在护工的字典里,没有懒觉和好觉这两个词。 So in the care of the dictionary, no late and feel the two words. 翻身是个技术活 Turning over is a technical activity. 在养老院,很多老人晚上需要在护工帮助下翻身。有些身患疾病,无法动弹;有的虽意识清楚,但因身体年迈翻身很是费力。而长期的不翻身会导致人体的肌肉僵化、萎缩,阻碍血液的正常循环,老人也会伴随痛苦。 In nursing homes, many elderly people need help workers turn over in night. Some are ill and can't move; some have a clear consciousness, but it's hard for the body to turn over. But the long-term non turn off will cause the body's muscle stiffness, atrophy, obstructing the normal circulation of the blood, and the elderly will be accompanied by pain. 所以,在老人睡去后,护工会隔一两小时给固定的老人翻身,帮他们舒缓压力。另外,翻身也是需要讲究技巧的,一般需要两人一起操作,并且动作要考虑老人的舒适度。 So, in the old man slept, will nurse every one or two hours to fix the elderly to stand up, help them relieve pressure. In addition, the turn over is also a need to pay attention to skills, the general need to operate with two people together, and action to consider the comfort of the elderly. 别看一个小小的翻身,没有接受过培训的普通人根本做不了。 Don't look at a small turn over, the ordinary people who have not received the training can't do it at all. 深夜里的大小便 The size and stool of the late night 大小便失禁对老年人群体来说再正常不过了,每天都会不受控制排泄很多次。当然,更没有白天和黑夜之分了。如果说护工白天为老人们处理大小便是工作里面最脏最累的活儿,那晚上更是难上加难。 Incontinence is normal for the elderly, and is not controlled and excreted many times a day. Of course, there is no difference between day and night. If the day care for the elderly people with size is work inside the dirty work, the night is more difficult. 首先需要检查,在确定需要处理的老人后,先要将老人身上和床上的污染物去除,再给老人擦拭身子和阴部、肛门,换上新的裤子和被褥。紧接着便去清洗污染的尿布、床单、衣物等。 First of all, we need to check. After determining the old people who need to deal with it, we first remove the pollutants from the elderly and the bed, then wipe the body and the pudendum and anus for the elderly, and change the new trousers and bedclothes. Then then clean the contaminated diapers, sheets, clothes, and so on. 目前很多的护工也是中老年人了,这样熬夜的工作对自己本身也有消极的影响,在微薄的工资下,更多的是她们对老人的深厚情谊。 At present many of the workers is also in the elderly, such a late night work can also have a negative impact on their own, in the meager wages, more is their deep friendship for the elderly. 无尽的夜是寂静的,是凄冷的,唯有月亮,对着这群辛勤的人展露着微笑。 The endless night is quiet, cold, only the moon, in front of this group of hard men exhibited a smile. 突如其来的害怕 A sudden fear 半夜三更,听着周边的虫鸣与远处的犬吠,谁都会害怕。而对早已习惯了这种生活的养老院护工来说,她们心中的恐惧不是这个,而是老人突如其来的离世。 In the depth of night, listening to the surrounding insects and distant barking, who are afraid of. To have become accustomed to this life nursing home workers, this is not their fear, but the sudden death of the elderly. 其实,我们都可以理解,养老院这种地方本来就是让老人安心度过晚年的地方,生病死亡常常上演。对于护工来说,晚上老人离世,已经是晚上的最大事了,要把院里所有员工都叫醒一起处理,紧接着通知家属准备后事等等。 As a matter of fact, we can all understand that the place of the old-age house is originally a place for the elderly to spend their old years in peace, and the death of the elderly is often performed. For workers, at the death of the elderly, is already in the evening the most important, to all of our employees are wake up together, immediately notify the family prepare etc.. 在平凡的护工看来,这些繁琐的工作都无所谓,而是老人离世给她们心灵的打击。几年如一日的照顾老人,早已将老人当做自己的父母,每天都会与老人交流或者玩耍,在感情愈发强烈的时候突然间断线,让护工一时难以承受但又不得不去习惯。 In the eyes of ordinary workers, these tedious work does not matter, but the old man passed away to their heart attack. A few years like a day care for the elderly, the elderly have as their parents, will play with the old exchange or every day, when feeling increasingly strong suddenly broken, let the nurse unbearable but had to get used to. 所以,每一位护工也都是心存善良的人,都是一个会害怕的人。 So, every worker is also be good person, is a fear of people. 一位护工在记者采访中曾说:"其实所有人都把这里当成了家"。家的概念我们都知道,有亲人,有亲情,有温馨和感动。正是把这样一群可爱的老人当成了亲人,把养老院当成了家,才不在乎白天黑夜,才会在黑暗凄冷的半夜三更无怨无悔。 A worker in an interview with reporters said: "in fact, everyone put here as a home". We all know the concept of family, family, family, warm and moving. It is such a lovely group of people as a family, the elderly home, don't care about day and night, will be in the dark and cold in the depth of night no regrets. 这就是养老院的零点后,这就是你不知道的故事 。 This is the zero point of the nursing home, and this is the story you don't know. 益年养老 从2003年开始从事养老行业,通过十几年的不断创新发展,已成为国内十大养老院品牌,十多年前益年养老选择了养老行业,并开始摸着石头过河,通过不断学习,不断创新,摸索出了一套适合当今养老行业发展的战略,益年养老将品牌做为行业突破口,通过自营加加盟的发展思路,共享资源开发银发产业周边产品,使养老行业利益最大化。旗下有养老咨询服务管理公司和医疗服务管理公司,管理 Benefit pension pension industry started from 2003, through continuous innovation more than ten years of development, has become a brand of domestic ten nursing homes, more than 10 years ago, Yi chose pension pension industry, and began feeling the stones, through continuous learning, continuous innovation, worked out a set of suitable for the development of the pension industry strategy. Yi year endowment will brand as the industry breakthrough, development ideas through self plus join, sharing resources development senior industry peripheral products, to maximize the interests of the pension industry. There are pension advisory service management companies and medical service management companies under the flag. |
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