一文秒懂老年公寓功能布局与户型设计 |
添加时间:2017/10/25 17:21:05 浏览次数: |
老年公寓一般被界定为:兼具生活与服务功能的老年居住建筑,入住对象多为健康活跃型及独立生活型老年人,兼顾部分轻度辅助型老年人。居住者主要为年龄较轻、身体机能退化不显著且心智正常的老年人,老年公寓提供适合此类老年人基本生活的服务和轻度健康服务。 Apartments for the elderly are generally defined as elderly living buildings with both life and service functions, and most of them are healthy, active and independent living elderly. The elderly mainly provide younger age, less physical deterioration, and normal mental health. The elderly apartments provide services for the basic life of the elderly and mild health services. 老年公寓功能系统可分为公共服务活动空间及居住功能空间2部分。 The functional system of apartments for the aged can be divided into 2 parts: the public service activity space and the living function space. 1.公共服务活动空间 1. public service activity space 1.1 空间组成 1.1 space composition 老年人按年龄分为55~75岁的初老型老年人、75~90岁老年人及90岁以上的长寿老人;按身体机能和健康状况分为活跃型、独立生活型、辅助生活型及护理型老年人。 The elderly were divided into 55 ~ 75 years old at the beginning of the elderly, 75 to 90 years old and 90 years old of longevity; according to physical function and health status is divided into active and independent living, assisted living and nursing the elderly type. 活跃型老年人在身体机能及生活能力上与中年人没有本质差异;独立生活型老年人大部分能自理日常生活;辅助生活型老年人需他人或某些辅助设施帮助;护理生活型老年人依赖他人照料且需大量专业医疗护理服务。 Active type of elderly people in the body function and life ability of a middle-aged man with no essential difference; independent life most old people could take care of daily life; assisted living old people need others or some auxiliary facilities to help the elderly life care; type dependent care and a large amount of professional medical care service. 老年公寓是介于养护院、养老院及适老住宅之间的一类产品,其重要特征是在满足适老化硬件居住空间条件基础上,提供丰富的生活服务及轻度医疗护理保健、教育娱乐等服务,是软、硬件高度综合的建筑产品。 Apartments for the elderly is a category of products between nursing homes, nursing homes and old houses, whose important feature is to satisfy the optimum aging conditions on the basis of the hardware of living space, providing a rich life service and mild medical care care and education and entertainment services, software and hardware of highly integrated building products. 老年公寓作为居家养老服务的重要载体之一,所提供的服务体现在对老年人日常健康状况的监测跟踪与健康管理、慢性病治疗与调养、高品质基础生活服务与照料帮助、丰富多彩的文化教育娱乐服务及对各类群体有针对性的康复、康体、养生等服务,体现在健康、生活、情感、育乐、社交乃至信仰等多方面,以生活、情感、育乐、社交需求为主(见图1)。 Apartments for the elderly as an important carrier of home-based care services, which provide services in the daily monitoring and tracking of elderly health status and health management of chronic disease, treatment and recuperation, high quality service and help take care of basic life, rich and colorful cultural and educational entertainment service and targeted rehabilitation, sports, health and other services to all groups, reflected in the health, life, emotion, entertainment, social and even the belief and other aspects, in life, emotion, entertainment, social demand (see Figure 1). 1.2 总体布局模式 1.2 overall layout model 结合公共服务及活动功能,老年公寓整体规划设计主要采用集中独立型及融合嵌入型2种总体空间布局模式。 Combined with the functions of public services and activities, the overall planning and design of apartments for the elderly mainly adopts 2 general spatial layout patterns: centralized independent and integrated embedded. 1)集中独立型 1) centralized independent type 将各类服务功能空间集中于某个独立建筑物内,各居住建筑与此建筑通过室内、外连廊相联系。 Each kind of service function space is concentrated in an independent building, and each residential building is connected with the building through the indoor and outdoor corridor. 优势:功能相对集中,运营服务效率高,有利于引导老年人参与集中活动,并具有较强的功能方位识别感; Advantages: relatively concentrated functions, high efficiency of operational services, is conducive to guide the elderly to participate in centralized activities, and has a strong sense of functional orientation; 劣势:所需场地较大,老年人到达功能服务活动空间的路线较长(见图2,点击查看大图)。 Disadvantages: the required site is larger, and the route for the elderly to reach the functional service space is longer (see Figure 2, click to see the big picture). 2)融合嵌入型 2) fusion embedded type 将各类服务功能空间与各居住部分垂直布局,在建筑较低层设置服务活动空间,上部为居住单元。 Each service function space is vertically arranged with each living part, and the service space is set up in the lower layer of the building, and the upper part is the residential unit. 优势:节约用地,提高土地利用效率,老年人可方便到达服务活动空间,结合居住单元出入口及垂直交通,可使老年人在日常生活中充分交流接触,提升老年公寓的整体活力; Advantages: saving land, improve land use efficiency, the elderly can easily reach the service space, combined with the residential unit entrance and vertical transportation, the elderly people in daily life fully contacts, enhance the overall vitality of apartments for the elderly; 劣势:功能动线较复杂,需对参与活动的公共人流和归家的半私密人流进行有效组织,避免动线过分交叉(见图3,点击查看大图)。 Disadvantages: line function is more complex, the need for people to participate in the activities of public and semi private home people effectively, avoid excessive cross line (see Figure 3, click to enlarge). 1.3 动线组织 1.3 line organization 老年公寓中的公共活动空间是复合型空间,在设计上需强调串联各功能空间动线的闭合性和开放性(见图4,点击查看大图)。 The old apartment in public space is a complex space in the design should emphasize the functional space of the line series of closed and open (see Figure 4, click to enlarge). 闭合性指动线清晰明确,1条主动线串联所有功能空间是最佳解决方式。动线采用环状闭合路径,使老年人能清晰识别,并可轻松回到出发点。 A closed line clear, 1 active line to connect all the functional space is the best way to solve. The line closed circular path, so that the elderly can be clearly identified, and can easily return to the starting point. 开放性指各功能空间应面向主动线路径充分开放,一个功能一个封闭房间的传统做法不能充分利用空间功能,浪费建筑面积,也不利于老年人之间的交往,降低老年公寓的整体生活活力和氛围。开放性动线向内庭院开放,可营造丰富多变的动线空间感受和视觉效果。 Open to each functional space for active path should be fully open, a function of a traditional closed room can not make full use of space, building waste area, is not conducive to communication among older people, reduce the overall living apartments for the elderly activity and atmosphere. Open line inward courtyard to open, can create a dynamic space feeling and rich visual effects. 1.4 各公共功能空间的设计方法 1.4 design methods of public function space 1)健康服务类功能 1) health service function 对于活跃型老年人,健康需求不同于护理型老年人,其更重视日常健康促进、健康管理。健康服务功能聚焦于基础性医疗、慢病调理及养生保健类功能,同时中医、康复类功能作为健康管理的重要组成部分也深受老年人青睐(见图5,点击查看大图)。 For the active elderly, the health needs are different from those of the nursing elderly, and more attention is paid to the daily health promotion and health management. Health services focus on basic medical and health care, chronic disease conditioning function, at the same time, Chinese medicine rehabilitation functions as an important part of the health management has been favored by the elderly (see Figure 5, click to enlarge). 2)生活服务类功能 2) life service function 活跃型老年人相较于护理类老年人对于日常餐饮、购物等方面的需求更旺盛及多样化。例如餐饮空间需为老年人提供多样化的选择。 The demand for daily food, shopping and other aspects of active elderly people is more vigorous and diversified than that of nursing elderly people. For example, dining space needs to be diversified for the elderly. 就餐空间形式上需提供公共食堂、自助餐厅、零点餐厅等不同就餐方式,适合不同地域老人的风味餐饮及不同身体或疾患特点的健康膳食,餐厅的数量、规模、形式均应有所不同(见图6)。 The dining space form to provide public canteen, cafeteria, different zero restaurant dining way, old style dining for different regions and different body or disease characterized by a healthy diet, the number of restaurants, scale, form should be different (see Figure 6). 商业购物空间需满足老年人日常生活需要,外部城市配套服务设施中针对老年人的商业设施较匮乏,老年公寓可设置小型商超、老年用品专卖店、小型药店、养生食品店等(见图7)。一方面满足老年人就近购物需要;另一方面使老年公寓具有多元化经营和业态服务延展增值的可能。 A shopping space required to meet the daily needs of the elderly, service facilities outside the city for the elderly lack of commercial facilities, apartments for the elderly, the elderly can set the small business shop, small pharmacies, health food stores (see Figure 7). On the one hand, it can meet the needs of the elderly shopping nearby; on the other hand, it enables the elderly apartment to have diversified operation and the possibility of value-added services. 3)情感服务类功能 3) emotional service function 在满足老年人物质生活需求基础上,更重要的是对老年人心理情感及精神生活的关照 On the basis of meeting the material needs of the elderly, it is more important to take care of the elderly's psychological, emotional and spiritual life |
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