警惕老年公寓火灾,这些安全措施一定要牢记在心 |
添加时间:2017/11/27 15:15:31 浏览次数: |
常见的火灾隐患 Common fire hazards 1、电气线路存在安全隐患。部分养老院、医院、幼儿园等因维护不到位,存在电线未穿管保护、电线老化、插座破损等问题,导致电线短路、过载的可能性大大增加。 1, there are hidden dangers in electrical wiring. Part of the nursing homes, hospitals, kindergartens and other places due to maintenance is not in place, there is no wire protection, wire aging, socket damage and other issues, resulting in the possibility of short-circuit wire, overload increased greatly. 2、消防设施维护不到位。一是部分单位配备的灭火器材维护不到位,存在数量不够、压力不足的问题;二是应急照明灯和疏散指示标志设置不规范。 2, fire facilities maintenance is not in place. First, some units equipped with fire extinguishing equipment maintenance is not in place, there are insufficient quantity, lack of pressure; two is emergency lighting and evacuation sign set is not standardized. 3、杂物占用消防通道。部分养老院、医院、幼儿园等把杂物堆放在疏散通道内。同时,堆放的可燃物品有可能被引燃,导致通道烟雾弥漫、存在明火造成更大危险。 3, sundry occupied fire passage. Part of the nursing homes, hospitals, kindergartens and other debris piled up in the evacuation channel. At the same time, the combustible materials may be ignited, leading to the passage of smoke, open fire, causing greater danger. 4、人员安全意识较差。养老院、幼儿园等场所人员和对火灾的危险性认识还不够,消防逃生知识缺乏,遇到火灾时心理素质差,一旦发生火灾,易形成混乱的局面。 4, poor awareness of personnel safety. It is not enough to know the danger of fire and the knowledge of fire escape in nursing homes, kindergartens and other places, lack of knowledge of fire escape, poor psychological quality when encountering fire, and easy to form chaos when fire happens. 如何防范火灾 How to prevent fire 养老院、福利院、幼儿园、医院等如果发生火灾,会造成很大的危害,这些单位必须落实消防安全主体责任,最大限度地预防各类火灾事故的发生。 If a fire occurs in the nursing homes, welfare homes, kindergartens, hospitals and other places, it will cause great harm. These units must implement the main responsibility of fire safety, and prevent all kinds of fire accidents to the maximum extent. 如何疏散人员? How to evacuate people? 医院、养老院、福利院、幼儿园人员比较多,且多为弱势群体,自救能力较差,一旦发生火灾,组织人员快速、安全疏散是防止人员伤亡的关键。 Hospitals, nursing homes, welfare homes, kindergarten staff are more, and most vulnerable groups, self-help ability is poor, once the fire, the rapid evacuation of personnel, safe evacuation is the key to prevent casualties. |
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